Terms and Conditions


SaiRaa.in is concerned about the safety of everyone who makes use of the services we offer on that website. We have a basic agreement that states that, unless otherwise compelled by law, we will not resolutely disclose any personal information about our clients without first getting their permission.

Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, any Party may terminate this Agreement at any time and for any cause, provided that such termination is subject to, among other things, the performance of all contractual and statutory responsibilities.

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This website's material is solely intended for usage or general information. They shouldn't be relied upon to make (or prevent from making) any decisions because they don't represent advise. Any suggestions or details to queries in Any content on the website that does not explicitly state otherwise is the expert's or person's personal opinion. When using the website or any of its contents, SaiRaa.in, its parent company, subsidiaries, and affiliates disclaim all liability for any damages that may result from errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, delays in operation or transmission, computer viruses, line failure communications, theft or destruction, or other breaches of security. 

SaiRaa.in does not in any way support, neither makes any judgements or warranties about the validity or accessibility of a product or service, nor does it take responsibility for any direct or indirect losses or damages resulting from your visit to these sites or your transactions there, including any potential violations of national or international laws.

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For further information, If you have any inquiries, remarks, or would like more information, kindly get in touch with us. We may be reached at sairaa.in@gmail.com.

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