Latest Hollywood Movie Napoleon Movie Talk: When Joaquin Phoenix saw the Hollywood Crown in the gutter, he put it on his own head!

Script Analysis for the Film Napoleon
As the director of this film, in the most 'Ridley Scott' style imaginable, he told the 'historians' and 'fact-checkers' who pointed out inaccuracies in the tale to "get a life!" According to Dr. Estelle Paranque, a modern history professor at Northeastern University, "you don't go to the cinema to watch history; you go to the cinema to be entertained." So, if you're too finicky about the details, you won't be able to appreciate Scott's vision of a man ranging from a power-mad tyrant to a giant baby boy.

After a rather conventional opening with the title plate's font being similar to Napoleon's signature, we're introduced to Dariusz Wolski's (Pirates Of The Caribbean, The Martian) universe of wide-angle shots displaying battle gore in a thrilling manner. During the Battle of Austerlitz, he submerges the camera into the ice to capture 2000 Russian soldiers drowning after being cannon-fired by Napoleon.

What's Good: It gives a balanced character study of the monarch who was dubbed the 'nightmare of Europe' because to how afraid the nations were of his designs, as well as 'The Devil's Favorite' due to propaganda created around him following the fear of how he'll destroy the British Isles.

What's Bad: The 2-hour-37-minute runtime is insufficient to explain anything about him, and Scott becomes overly impassioned in order to pack it all in.

Despite being a 2-hour-37-minute film, history buffs will want to watch it without pausing.

Should you watch it? Only if you liked sitting through history lectures in school.

Star Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Vanessa Kirby, Ben Miles, Ludivine Sagnier

Director: Ridley Scott

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